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Limnu's premium features are free to try when you sign up, for a limited time. Limnu's basic features are free to use forever, and you don't have to sign up to try it.



$7.99 / mo.*


Boards never expireBoards last 7 days
Unlimited boardsThree boards at a time
Wide variety of colors & sizesvs.Starter marker & colors
Import background imagesNo images
Whiteboard & greaseboardWhiteboard only

You don't need to signup to try Limnu, it's free for as long as you want. Just click the "Try it Free" button in the top right corner to get started. You can sign up after you're convinced this is the online whiteboard for you & your team.
Sign up to start earning FREE premium time immediately! Signing up will also allow you to save your boards, log in from other computers, and import your contacts to make invitations a breeze.
Limnu subscribers automatically enjoy premium time.
Any premium time remaining when you subscribe will be applied as a discount.
(The sooner you subscribe, the more you save!)
Subscribers who complete objectives at any time earn discounts on their subscription price.

* Students and teachers are eligible for a 50% discount on the subscription price and 90 days of free Premium service with a verified .edu email address. If you don't have a .edu email address, or if you'd like to arrange for free Premium time for your class, please contact us.